Piangua Traditional Dance Colombia
Born out of a pandemic crisis, Choreo Dance Film Festival (CDFF) celebrates the diversity of Choreomundus students and alumni by bringing together dance films around the world. CDFF is dedicated to promoting Dance as Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) and to bridge the gap between dance and film.

The Piangua Dance represents a very beautiful work of the women of the Colombian Pacific who embark and go to the mangroves to sell this product to seek the sustenance of their families. The pianguada is a task that has been carried out for many years by the Afro-descendant population of the Colombian Pacific and is a very exquisite dish that is typical of the Pacific Colombian region.
Unfortunately, this work has been affected by the armed violence. In the mangroves of the Buenaventura River, lies the bodies of fishermen, husbands and sons of those women who went to fish seeking sustenance and never returned. For this reason, women fear of finding their loved ones buried in the mangroves and therefore, many women have abandoned this practice.
The idea was to honor those women and leaders who have carried out such a beautiful work in the territory.
Producer – Diana Gutiérrez

Diana Teresa Gutiérrez has a background in dance anthropology and intangible cultural heritage (ICH). Her passion for dance takes inspiration from local cultural practices, motherhood, movement, and technology to create bridges that enable encounters between different people, cultures, and visions of life. She is the director of Embodying Reconciliation, a Colombian non-profit organization whose work is based on the concept of resilience. Since 2019 she has coordinated the Museum Bodies for Empathy and in 2022, she created the 1st Intercultural Festival Bodies for Empathy, producing five (5) video-dances around the country and gathering fifty (50) national and twenty-five (25) international video dances to keep dancing despite the emergency caused by COVID-19. She was recently awarded the Rotary Peace Fellow 2022. With the support of The Environmental Dance Project.